Residential Building Design & Construction Conference
The Residential Building Design & Construction (RBDC) Conference is a biennial academic conference whose presentations are based on submitted abstracts. The RBDC Conference has been held in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020, 2022, 2024, and the 8th RBDCC will be held on TBA 2026.
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This conference provides a forum for researchers, architects, engineers, other design professionals, product manufacturers, builders, developers, and code officials to discuss challenges to sustainable, energy efficient, healthy, environmentally friendly, natural hazard resistant, and affordable residential construction, and share recent research findings, state-of-the-art technologies, and innovative projects and approaches related to residential buildings. This conference focuses on various types of residential buildings including single-family dwellings, multi-family multi-story apartment buildings, mid-rise and high-rise residential building towers, factory-built and modular housing, dormitories, and hotels/motels. The topics for discussion at this conference cover most aspects of residential buildings, including the following:
- Aging-in-Place and Senior Living Housing
- Alternative Renewable Energy Generating Systems
- Building Information Modeling (BIM) Application in Residential Construction
- Building Integrated Photovoltaic Systems
- Building Performance Assessment/Metrics/Verification Methods and Occupant Behavior
- Building Science and Building Enclosures
- Energy Efficient Building Components
- Fire Damage and Protection
- High Performance Residential Buildings
- Indoor Air Quality
- Innovations in Green roofs and Façade/Envelope Systems
- Innovations in Residential Architecture and Design
- Innovations in Modular and Manufactured Housing
- Innovative and Emerging Housing Construction Methods/Systems
- Innovative Wall, Floor, Roof, Window, and Siding Systems
- Learning from the Performance of Residential Buildings under Natural Disasters
- Low-Income and Affordable Housing
- Panelized Building Components
- Resilient New Design and Retrofit of Existing Buildings under Natural Disasters
- Retrofit of Existing Buildings for Energy Efficiency
- Rural and American Indian Housing
- Serviceability and Life Safety Damage Aspects
- Smart Home Technologies
- Sustainable Housing Construction Materials and Methods
- Temporary Housing for Disaster Situations
- Whole Building Design Approach
- Zero-Net Energy Homes and Passive House Design