Workshop Schedule
The PHRC offers workshops at varying locations across the commonwealth of Pennsylvania and online to meet the training needs of the residential construction industry. Learn more at Available Workshops. Registration fees apply. Continuing education credits awarded for participation vary depending on the presentation topic.
To meet state-wide training needs the PHRC partners with the Pennsylvania Codes Construction Academy (PCCA) and other organizations to reach all members of the industry.
Many of our workshops are organized through and hosted by PCCA. These workshops – designated as “PCCA Workshop” in front of the title.
Each workshop registration link and corresponding customer service will thus be either through PCCA or PHRC. With any questions please contact the workshop administrators:
- PHRC Workshops: phrc@psu.edu
- PCCA Workshops: For all educational opportunities available through PCCA, please click here: http://www.paconstructioncodesacademy.org/training-calendar
If your organization is interested in partnering with the PHRC to offer training programs, complete the PHRC Speaking Request form to request a workshop. In order to receive PHRC workshop discounts associated with specific PHRC membership levels, contact phrc@psu.edu.