PHRC Webinars
Revisiting Visitability: Design & Constructability Issues [Archive]
2/20/2018 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Instructor: Christopher Hine (PHRC)
Link to Webinar:
Another component to the Universal Design Trilogy is Visitability. Visitability is a design practice that allows the dwelling to be accessed and or visited by someone who is physically disabled. In this webinar, we will take a look at different solutions from the design of the interior space and room requirements to the construction of zero-step entry details at different entry points.
Learning Objectives
Free to attend; $20 for continuing education credit
Credit Hours
1.0 L&I Contact Hour, 1.0 PDH, 1.0 AIA LU|HSW, 1.0 ICC Contact Hour (0.1 CEU), 1.0 NARI hour/CEU
Tags: Residential Structures and Building Code Requirements