Windborne Debris Impact Facilities

BCERL Lab windborne debris impact facilities can be used to test the performance of building envelope components under debris impacts by simulating windborne debris impacts during severe windstorms. Projectiles are propelled using compressed air cannons at the system being tested at various speeds. Varying types of projectiles can be used such as different sizes of steel balls and 2 x 4 studs. Testing can be done in accordance with ASTM standards or custom testing can be done to aid in the development of windborne debris resistant building envelope systems and predictive models of system performance.

Windborne Debris Impact Facilities


The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

The Pennsylvania State University

116 Lidia Manson Building

3127 Research Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-2341
