Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the PHRC Housing Conference.


  1. When does early bird registration expire? Early bird pricing runs through January 14, 2025.
  2. If I have a discount code for registration as a PHRC member, where do I enter this? During the online registration process through Cvent, you will be prompted to enter your discount code before final payment. Multiple discount codes cannot be combined, and discounts only apply on Standard registrations.
  3. Are you a member of a local builders association? There is a conference discount available to you. Contact your local builders association for your discount code.
  4. What does registration cover? The registration fee covers all instruction, light breakfast, lunch, breaks, and a conference program. Attendees are responsible for all other meals and lodging.
  5. Will I receive a confirmation email after registering? Yes, you should receive an email confirming your registration after you have completed the process through Cvent.
  6. Can I modify my registration after I have received confirmation? Yes, contact for modifications.
  7. Can I register still on and after March 13, 2025? Yes, you can register; however, an additional $60 fee will be added to late and on-site registrations.
  8. What is the cancellation policy? Unless otherwise noted, individual cancellation charges will be in effect as follows upon email notice to
    • Before or on Weds., Mar. 12, 2025 (Eastern Time) - full refund
    • On or after Thurs., Mar. 13, 2025 (Eastern Time) - no refund, full program charge

Conference Logistics

  1. Where do I check in upon arrival on the day of the conference? All conference attendees must check in at the PHRC Housing Conference Registration Desk, located in the lobby of The Central Hotel.
  2. What time does registration open? Registration for conference sessions opens at 7:30am ET each day.
  3. What time do conference activities start? The conference sessions begin promptly at 8:30am ET each day.
  4. What time do conference educational activities end? Conference educational activities will be completed by 4:30pm ET each day. Please check the appropriate agenda to verify the schedule.
  5. What happens in the event of inclement weather? Registrants will be notified promptly of any cancellations or program changes. If a program is cancelled or postponed, registration fees will be refunded; however, the PHRC is not responsible for any other related costs, charges, or expenses.
  6. How will I be notified of any changes in the conference schedule? Attendees will be notified of changes via the email address provided during the registration process. Changes will also be posted to the PHRC website, Facebook, Instagram, and X.


  1. What types of continuing education are available? Typically, continuing education is available in the form of PA Department of Labor & Industry Contact Hours, PDHs for engineers in Pennsylvania, AIA Learning Units for architects, NARI CEUs, and ICC contact hours. The Land Development & Planning track is also approved for Registered Landscape Architect CEUs. Check each individual session for approved hours.
  2. How much continuing education will be available? There will be up to 12 hours of continuing education available for attending the full conference. Check each individual session for approved hours.
  3. How and when will I receive my certificate for continuing education? Certificates for continuing education will be sent via email after the conference.
  4. Is there a block of hotel rooms reserved for attendees? Yes, rooms are available at The Central Hotel & Conference Center at a discounted rate for conference attendees through Tues., Feb. 25, 2025. More information on accommodations is available.

Other Events

  1. What is Networking on the Exhibit Floor? Connect at the end of Day 1 (Wednesday, 5:00-7:00pm ET) to network with attendees from the PHRC Housing Conference, speakers, and the PHRC team. We know that it will be a fun time with excellent people, food, and drinks. Learn more about Networking on the Exhibit Floor.
  2. How do I register for Networking on the Exhibit Floor? Attendees will have the opportunity to register for the event during the online conference registration process through Cvent if registering for a 2-Day Registration, 1-Day Registration, or Reception Only Registration. 
  3. Is there an additional cost for Networking on the Exhibit Floor? The event is included with standard 2-Day Registrations, and it is $60 to attend for everyone else.

Conference Sponsorships

  1. How do I sponsor the conference? Sponsorship information is available! Sponsors must register by March 4 at 12pm ET to be guaranteed inclusion in the print program. If you have sponsorship questions, contact Darrin Wright,
  2. I am a PHRC Member. How do I utilize my membership benefits for sponsorship? If applicable, you should have received a discount code from the PHRC staff to enter at registration for a conference sponsorships discount. Discounts for conference sponsorships include $700 for a Platinum member, $300 off for a Gold member, and $100 off for a Silver member. Multiple discount codes cannot be combined. If you have PHRC Membership discount questions, contact


The Pennsylvania Housing Research Center serves the home building industry and the residents of Pennsylvania by improving the quality and affordability of housing.

We conduct applied research, foster the development and commercialization of innovative technologies, and transfer appropriate technologies to the housing community.

Pennsylvania Housing Research Center

The Pennsylvania State University

116 Lidia Manson Building

3127 Research Drive

State College, PA 16801

Phone: 814-865-2341
